On Monday I awoke to such a great surprise. My new friend, New Polish Lover (Pia) had nominated me for a Liebster Award! The idea behind this award is to recognize new bloggers and help promote their blogs. It’s a German word that means “favorite” and so by nominating fellow bloggers, you are getting to know more about your favorite bloggers.
And that’s what I love about social media! Pia and I connected over our love of nails and now we can help promote each others new blogs. There is so much love out there in the blogosphere!
Here is what I’m supposed to do:
- Thank and link the person who nominated you.
- Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
- Nominate 11 other bloggers, they need to have less than 200 followers and link their blogs.
- Create 11 new questions for your nominees.
- Notify everyone you have nominated via social media.
Here are Pia’s questions for me:
- What is your favourite colour?
- Where would you want to live if money was no object?
- Do you dye your hair and what was your worst choice in hairstyle?
- How many pair of shoes do you own?
- Are you a cat or a dog person?
- Why did you start your blog? And what do you like most about being a blogger?
- Your favourite food.
- What is the worst household chore for you?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- The best beauty product ever! Is there something you would recommend?
- Where are you from and what do you love about your country?
My Answers:
- My favorite color is purple. Always has been since I was a little girl.
- I think I’m living in the perfect place right now. What’s most important to me is being close to my family. My mom, dad and sisters all live within 10 minutes of me! It’s wonderful. So I’d never want to move away if it meant I wouldn’t be able to see them so often. And, it helps I live in Southern California, which is a pretty decent place to live!
- I do not dye my hair currently. I have three little boys so I don’t have time to get my hair colored. I’m just waiting for the grays to start showing and then I’ll probably start dyeing my hair.
- I probably own about 10 pairs of shoes. I have really big, narrow feet which makes shoe shopping a torturous experience. All of those cute shoes you see that look cute in a size 6 do not look cute in my size. So I rarely buy shoes.
- I am definitely a dog person. I like cats a lot but I like having a dog in the house. It makes me feel safer.
- I started my blog to share my love of nails and skin care. It’s always been a passion of mine and I found a great nail company to partner up with so this was the perfect time to start a blog about it. What I like most is sharing my passion and meeting other bloggers who are passionate about their blogs as well.
- Ooh, favorite food is a hard one! I think I would go with BBQ food, though. If I ever see a BBQ restaurant, I love to try it out.
- I hate cleaning my showers. That’s the one thing I wish I never had to do again.
- My best friends are my mom and sisters. I can tell them anything and I know they will always love and support me.
- Well my new favorite beauty product is Jamberry Nail Wraps I’ve always loved getting a manicure but lately never have the time. So when I found these nail wraps that come in so many designs, I was so excited. I love looking at my nails and seeing the pretty designs, it makes me smile every time.
- I am from the USA. What I love is that everyone has an opportunity to become whatever they desire to be.
Those were great questions, Pia!
Here are my 11 questions for my nominees:
- What is your blog about and why did you start it?
- What’s your favorite vacation place?
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what’s the one thing you couldn’t live without?
- Do you prefer to wear nail polish or not bother with it?
- List three values that are important to you in your family/life.
- What do you like about where you are living now?
- Tell me about one of your hobbies.
- What do you like to do for fun?
- Name one book that made a huge impact on your life.
- What kind of music do you like to listen to?
- How do you relax and unwind?
Now here are my wonderful nominees for the Liebster Award.
I know some have more than 200 followers but I’m looking forward to getting to know them better and I think that’s what the spirit of this award is about.
- Megan from Megan Card
- Nicole from BarkofBarky
- Erin from Home With The Boys
- Miko from Miko Ford
- Jennylou from Jenny Lou Raya
- Stephanie from Life as a Mommy
- Macy from Epiphany Lane
- Lara from Everyday Graces
- Sarah from Faith Along The Way
- Cat from Mary Martha Mama
- Lindsay from Fashionistas Travel
This is such a fun experience to participate in! Congrats and best wishes to all nominees of this lovely award.
The post The Liebster Award appeared first on Easy, Affordable, DIY Nails.